From the Keyboard

Book Reviews

So grateful for your recognition!

Illegal Exit

Released June 5, 2016
© 2016 Jacqui Jacoby, Body Count Productions, Inc.

Illegal Exit review from Amazon

Magic Man

Magic Man banner

Released October 15, 2015
© 2015 Jacqui Jacoby, Body Count Productions, Inc.

The story is full of how the brain is to be used but the heart must be given the due credit too for making us choose right and wrong. The story is about how not always will a logic present itself to resolve an issue because the answer lies outside the box we hold ourselves prisoners in.

Last but not the least, the story highlights how we need our independence but we need our family and friends in equal measure to fuss around us and be a constant pain in the backside because they are the ones who make our lives complete...

Party On!! October 15, 2015

The Dead Men Series, Book I

Dead Men Play the Game

Dead Men Play the Game banner

Released July 1, 2015
© 2015 Jacqui Jacoby, Body Count Productions, Inc.

Posted on Good Reads
4.53 star rating
"Author Jacqui Jacoby did a great job of bringing to live on the pages a group of people who would stay with us for a long time.
I'm eagerly looking forward to the next book in the series..."
–Nas Dean, editor

4 star rating
The bad guys were twisted and played their roles perfectly. The action and drama kept flowing constant through the book, it held my interest from beginning to the last word and when I finished I was wishing that the next book was out already. (No cliff hanger, it's just this one was just released and now I have to wait. *sniff sniff*).

5 star rating
A great story and again I must say I don't read many mysteries but I truly enjoyed the author Jacqui Jacoby's book and I will be looking forward to more.
– Dottie

Dead Men Play the Game review in GoodReads