
You don’t have to open up the pages of Stephen King’s On Writing to take away profound inspiration. On the back cover of the hard back copy he says, “... put your desk in the corner, and every time you sit down there to write, remind yourself why it isn’t in the middle of the room. Life isn’t a support system for art. It’s the other way around.”

In the Media

NaNo Prep: Create Your Personal NaNo Prize

NaNo Prep: Create your personal NaNo Prize

posted on National Novel Writing Month 10/30/17

“Mom, you have to try this new program. You write 50,000 words in November.”

I doubted the logic of what my daughter proposed, but was interested enough to look into it. That was October 2001—and I now have sixteen NaNoWriMos and nine wins under my belt... NaNoWriMo became my annual vacation... I came up with the ‘NaNo Purse Program,’ or as I call it, the NNPP.

Fall is in the Air... It’s NaNo Time!

It’s NaNo Time!

posted on National Novel Writing Month 9/8/17

Jacqui has been in sixteen NaNos, and “won” nine times. NaNoWriMo reached out to her for insights into her winning strategy.

“I started NaNoWriMo as a newbie writer, hoping to get my big break. Being in NaNo propelled me forward as it taught me more about characters and plot. I recommend it to every new writer I am working with...”

Mystical Bad Guys

Mystical Bad Guys on Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Romance Writers

posted on Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal Romance Writers 12/1/16

Things that go bump in the night. The kinda things that the heroine or hero wouldn't do. It's the personality of that other character, the character that will teach your heroine and hero to find their better selves, to work together to defeat that villain and make Happily Ever After come true.

But first... that villain....

Amazon's Customer Reviews

Amazon Customer Review

posted on Amazon's Reviews 9/12/16

...Read what the readers say as the read Jacqui's novella, Illegal Exit, released on June 2016...

Jacqui Jacoby & Those Bumps in the Night

Just Jemi blogspot

posted on Just Jemi 7/11/16

I never set out to be a thriller writer. I always thought I leaned toward action/adventure, with a twist of romance. I don’t mind at all that is where I ended up...

Early Review: Illegal Exit by Jacqui Jacoby

Dark Thoughts - Early Review: Illegal Exit

posted on Dark Thoughts 5/29/16

After years in prison, both Gavin and Trevor are taken out and loaded into a van. They aren’t told what’s happening or where they are going. That’s when the real fun begins...

Friends by Choice. Writers by Committal.

The Thing About Electronics

posted on Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 12/21/15

...We called ourselves SIN... Suspense and Intrigue Network.

Cee was the leader, the rock. Kelly was the heart, the good girl. And me? I’m the live wire...

From the Keyboard - Short Stories

The Thing About Electronics

posted on The Writers' Daily 12/20/15

Jason came down the ornate staircase, hitting the deep red carpet. Quinn and Evan were already in the foyer, waiting. Jason leaned into the sitting room where Travis sat in the soft chair, the smoke...

The Thing About Electronics

The Thing About Electronics

posted on Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 12/14/15

Eleven computers, one tablet, three headsets and four phones.
That’s my tally since January 2015. I crashed them, I burned them, I destroyed them. I had one that I swear hated my guts...

Jacqui Jacoby on NaNoWriMo

The Thing About Electronics October 2015

posted on Romance Book Paradise 11/15

...come this November, this will be my fifteenth year participating in this international event...

If you want to do something like you have never done before, to experience a piece of yourself that maybe you thought of trying. If you have written twenty-seven books and just want to play for thirty little days... come on over and join us.

It’s a whole lot of fun. Trust me....

The Thing About Electronics October 2015

posted on Romance Reader 10/15

The Thing About Electronics
Eleven computers, one tablet, three headsets and four phones. That's my tally since February 2014... I had one that I swear hated my guts. I think that one was issuing a personal vendetta to cause my suffering...


Party On!! October 15, 2015

posted on Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 10/15/15

A Launch Party doesn't have to be an official occasion to promote name and sales. Sometimes it can be a mere celebration of this wonderful thing you worked so hard to achieve...

Boundaries of Imagination

Boundaries of Imagination October 5, 2015

posted on Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal 10/5/15

...No offence to anyone's belief systems but if you are working with vampires or werewolves or the abominable snowmen? I hate to be the one to tell you, but they don’t really exist and what you are doing is not exactly “research”.



posted on Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 9/24/15

...she received the package in the mail with a form letter rejection. “But I spoke to her,” this writer said. “She said I had passed the first level and it looked good. Now they won’t even tell me why I was rejected.”

She wasn’t alone....

The Walking Dead with Norman Reedus

Director's Cut August 6, 2015

posted on Focus Norman Reedus 9/15

I said at the beginning of this blog, once an actor made the list -- and Reedus not only made the list, he led it as first actor to be reviewed -- I would always be willing to go back to and look at what he is doing now... Read it on Jax’s Movie List blog

Director’s Cut

Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 8-6-15

posted on Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood 8/6/15

The director’s cut, a movie released several years after the original, giving us a look into scenes and story we missed when the film was in the theaters. Aliens, released in 1986, the director’s cut coming out in 2003 with roughly eighteen minutes of a movie that really should have been in the first...

The Walking Dead with Norman Reedus...

Magical Musings Guest Blog August 12, 2010

posted on paper.li 4/19/11, however briefly

I said at the beginning of this blog, once an actor made the list -- and Reedus not only made the list, he led it as first actor to be reviewed -- I would always be willing to go back to and look...

Magical Musings

Magical Musings Guest Blog August 12, 2010

Magical Musings Guest Blog
August 12, 2010

Terry’s Place

Terry O'Dell's Blog Spot

Terry’s Place
Forward Motion
July 27, 2010

The Seekers Blog Spot

The Seekers Blog Spot

The Seekers Blog Spot
Surviving the Abyss
July 16, 2010

Publisher's Weekly: Monday News and Giveaways, August 10, 2009
“From author Jacqui Jacobi: I have now launched the new Writer to Writer Series on my web page and I’d like to promote this site as a place to encourage new writers by talking to writers who have already been down the roads newbies might face.”

SPACEFREIGHTERS LOUNGE: For my Fellow Firefly Fans, August 6, 2009
“There’s an article on GeekDad about an excellent workshop I took at RWA from Jacqui Jacoby--Lesson of Firefly: Learning from the Works of Joss Whedon.
Well worth the read and if you ever get a chance to take Jacqui’s workshop, by all means check it out.”

Wired: Firefly Shines Brightly for Writers, July 29,2009
“...As I mentioned in an earlier post, Lessons of Firefly: Learning from the Works of Joss Whedon was one of the workshop choices at the Romance Writers of America conference earlier this month in Washington, D.C. Author Jacqui Jacoby believes that Firefly’s brief life is part of its appeal...”

Wired: Top 10 Geeky Things You Don’t Know About Romance Writers, July 23, 2008
3. They love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and writer Joss Whedon
...And author Jacqui Jacoby gave a workshop at RWA National on the lessons writers can learn from Firefly. (More on this later in the week.)”

The Seekers Blog Spot

The Seekers Blog Spot

The Seekers Blog Spot,
Schmoozing 101
May 27, 2009

Wikipedia: Jacqui Jacoby, June 2008

Randy Writes Romance, June 2008

Magical Musing, May 2008

Cactus Rose Interview, February 2003

If you would like more information, please contact Jacqui at Jaxsbooks@aol.com.