What's Coming Up

“Nobody writes action scenes like Jacqui Jacoby. I can’t think of a better teacher than a writer who has mastered the art.”
     –C.C. Connors


Bump in the Night

Black Cat for Bump in the NightThey come in the night, the secrets and the sounds...they are the thing that goes Bump in the Night. Paranormal & Thriller author, Jacqui Jacoby offers insight on how not only to write for the genres, but how to do it different. She’s worked with vampires, worked with witches, she has even worked with an adolescent kidnapped ghost. Ms. Jacoby’s taken the modern image of these beings and modernized them. This class will cover the basics of getting started on a book (research, plot, characters) as well as taking a look into making your paranormal idea real so it becomes a story. Subjects will include how to take the myth that exists and make it yours; how to find the creature of your dreams and, if needed, how to escalate the tension of the thriller.

Lessons of Firefly

Joss Whedon's Firefly, poster, from ROFLRAZZI.com Firefly, created by the Rod Serling of our generation, Joss Whedon, was a masterpiece of writing. Each of its thirteen episodes taught character development, dialogue, and plotting techniques. Its motion picture sequel, Serenity, not only touched on these subjects but added relationships, loyalties, and loss to its repertoire.

In this workshop, Ms. Jacoby will reveal the Lessons of Firefly. By using class participation and examples from the episodes, she will translate with words what Mr. Whedon was teaching us on screen.

Jacqui with moderator Suzanne Brockmann**Joss Whedon reviewed and approved of this course.

Jacqui premiering "Lessons of Firefly" with Suzanne Brockmann as moderator [to the right in the photo] at the 2008 RWA National, San Francisco, California.

Schmoozing 101

Some people call it networking. Some people, however, think that's far too sterile a name for something that can be so fun in a business which is so creative.

Schmoozing. That's what we do. And we do it sincerely. When we mosey up to the book editor to introduce ourselves, we aren't there because this is just another person in the industry. We're there because we know that this is a person with something interesting to say. Agents, editors, authors: they all have something to offer. Their experiences, their insight. All we have to do is listen and learn.

This workshop covers topics such as how to conduct an interview, both in person, by phone, and by e-mail. It will discuss not only should we attend a conference, but what we should do once we get there, what should we say, and how we should act.

Schmoozing 101 can be taught as an online class.

Behind the Scenes: The Research Before the Book

Before the book, before a writer types a word on a page, there is an idea. And behind that idea are the characters, the background, the location.

Research is an important aspect of any story. Whether the writer prepares their background information before they begin to write the story, or if they make it up as they go, they will need to get to know the people they are creating.

Behind the Scenes: the Research Before the Book is a class which will help writers learn the basics for researching their novels. Whether they are using the public library, stacking their own shelves or meeting with a professional in their character's profession, this class will give the writer the insiders look at how to do the research and then pull it all together.

Behind the Scenes can be taught as an online class.

Tick Tock: Time Management for Writers

Tick-Tock clockWriter's goals come in as many shapes and colors and sizes as the writer themselves. Where someone might want to create their story and have it reach the hands of loyal fans, someone else might want to be the next Nora Roberts.

Identifying goals is the first step in planning the path that will take us where we want to go. Taking those goals and assigning them a structured map will move us from point A to point B... though Ms. Jacoby can't promise you'll be the next Nora, or even get that publishing deal as so many elements are out of our control, she can give you the road map you need to become the best you can be and you at your best, is the best.

From Austen to Aliens – How to Create Classic Tough Chicks

As martial artist, Jacqui Jacoby is interested in self-defense and how women are portrayed in the media. At first, it seemed as if it was only Hollywood showing women in a tough light. With heroines such as Sarah Conner of the Terminator movies, and Ellen Ripely in the Alien films, women were the ones saving the day when men were being blown up or eaten.

This workshop covers such topics as how to portray tough chick heroines. We will discuss different types of self-defense techniques and how to build a tough chick heroine from the inside out. What kind of women make up the tough chicks and what are they like in their everyday lives? What drives them to become tough? What kind of hero must stand beside her and what kind of villains will she face?

From Austen to Aliens – How to Create Classic Tough Chicks can be taught as an online class or a one hour workshop.

If you would like more information, please contact Jacqui at Jaxsbooks@aol.com.